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Waco, TX, United States

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Council Meeting 2-5-2013, Part 1

This meeting will need to be covered in multiple parts. They presented the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the year ended September 30, 2012 in the work session. It deserves it's own blog since there are so many points they brought out.

Police Chief Stroman also gave a very good presentation, although he didn't get all the way through it, about the police department and some crime statistics. I simply haven't made it through the entire video taking notes. There was so much interesting information.

The agenda/minutes for each meeting is on the city's website at It might be helpful to have this pulled up or printed out to follow along. I'll mention each item and add discussion as appropriate.

I have highlighted some items of particular interest. If you are short on time you might want to skip to those.


PH-047 - Assess housing community development needs. There will be a work session at the first meeting in April. Jeff Wall appeared basically stating that this was a public hearing to hear comments about which projects will be funded. There have been no comments. No one appeared at this meeting.

PH-048 - Tax relief for property at 1425 Columbus. This is referred to as Migel House. This is to "encourage it's preservation." There were no questions and no one appeared to speak.

Mr. George Brown appeared requesting help with gang violence in his neighborhood. His grandkids come home every day with problems. Teenage boys have come to his door threatening him. He stated the police have told him the council has their hands tied. (What does THAT mean?) He also said the police told him to keep his kids in the house. He presented a petition with signatures to the council.

I was surprised there were no other visitors. At this meeting, the resolution resulting from the joint meeting of governing boards in the city was to be voted on. A local group had been very vocal in opposition to it. I think there was a misunderstanding as to what was actually happening versus what this group feared might happen (more at that resolution item) still I was surprised no one appeared.



RES-049 - Agreement between City of Waco (CoW) and McLennan County to participate in Reinvestment Zone Number One for Tax Increment Financing from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2032.

RES-050 - Agreement between CoW and McLennan Community College to participate in Reinvestment Zone Number One for Tax Increment Financing from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2032.

RES-051 - Authorizing the Mayor to execute a revised agreement between the Texas Historical Commission and the City of Waco for participation in the Certified Local Government program. Changes in state rules required a revised agreement.

RES-052 - A new one-year agreement with Blackridge, a lobbying firm. They both advocate for the CoW and provide the city with information about happenings that may affect the city. This is with the legislators and regulatory agencies.

RES-053 - Extends an existing interlocal agreement between CoW and McLennan County for centralized dispatch services.

RES-054 - There is contract for airport services, but rather than bring it to council as one big contract, it is brought as work items are needed. This is for design of an airport perimeter road to be used for maintenance and emergencies. A grant is expected to come from FAA that will fund this work item 90%.

RES-055 - Buying property to relocate an existing sewer line. Councilmember Deaver filed a disqualification.

RES-056 - Granting a contract for $167,189 to replace a sewer line. The existing sewer line has deteriorated beyond the point of repair. This is near 34th and Bosque behind 32nd and 33rd streets.

RES-057 - Reappointing Trish Ervin as City Secretary for four more years. YAY! She does a wonderful job and has been very helpful to me on every occasion I've had to request information from her.

RES-058 - Budget amendment for water and solid waste. City Manager states these are all about items they have already seen.

RES-059 - Budget amendment for Capital Improvement Programs.

RES-060 - Sale of tax foreclosed property to Oakwood Cemetery for possible future expansion.

RES-061 - Sale of tax foreclosed property to a citizen. It is adjacent to his mother's property.

RES-062 - Resolution adopting Waco's legislative priorities as presented at the joint meeting. This is merely stating that the City of Waco agrees with the priorities. There has been some talk that the Waco City Council and other governing boards want to go around the State of Texas to attempt to get Medicare Expansion funds. I cannot say there is not a plan to do so, but this resolution does not accomplish that.

RES-063 - Ordering the general election on May 11. Authorizing a contract with the county to administer the election for 2013 and extending for 2014 and 2015, designating polling places, authorizing a joint election with MCC and WISD, BISD, and CSISD. There was some concern there will be only one early voting location and only one Saturday. That is standard practice for the municipal elections. It will be important for you to check for your polling place this year.

****A new box was requested for China Spring at the Intermediate School because they have a bond election. They are paying the costs. It will need to get preclearance from DOJ. It is common to ask for voting locations at the school for school bond elections. This allows for more turnout from citizens who would be more likely to approve such a bond: parents and others associated with the schools.


ORD-064 - Revising the Project/Finance plan for TIF Reinvestment Zone One. Kinnaird, Deaver, and Herbert were all disqualified from voting on this and the next few items. With Rev. Austin's absence this meant this was approved by 2 of the 6 council members. It is second reading, so it was previously approved by 3 of 6.
  1. Reducing scope and budget for TIF funding for WISD Indian Spring Middle school.
  2. Revise Cottages of Cameron Heights TIF project to allow funding as expenses are submitted.
  3. Partial funding for The Waco Hippodrome.
  4. Partial funding for Tinsley Place LLC for 30 residential units at 7th and Cleveland
  5. Partial funding for renovation of building at 418 S. 8th Street 
ORD-065 - Designating 600 Elm Street (the agenda says "Avenue" but says it's "Street") as an historic landmark. In an effort to revitalize this area, the city is seeking to make this an historic district. They looked for buildings that might be designated landmarks. Appraisal district records show this building has been "not in use" since about 1991. It was transferred to a woman in a divorce and a couple years later it was tax foreclosed by the city. Larry Groth stated that it was easy for this building to meet the qualifications since the city owns it. The building was built in the late 1800s. Statements were made this is the largest building in the best condition on this street.

ORD-066 - Rezoning. In the previous meeting it was mentioned that this area has had an increase in requests in recent years and the levels need to be watched carefully so that the infrastructure is not overwhelmed. The City Manager stated there could be improvements that would allow more growth in the area.

ORD-067 - Rezoning.

ORD-068 - Amending the Waco Comprehensive Plan by adopting the Waco Metropolitan Area Master Thoroughfare Plan as a replacement to Chapter 3: Transportation within the Waco Comprehensive Plan. Basically, they are going to make updates to the transportation section of the Master Plan.

ORD-069 - Updates to Right-of-Way Management in the Code of Ordinances. They will delete references to the May, 1996 version of the City of Waco Standard Specifications.


CR-070 - The list was approved 5-0 (Rev. Austin, District I, was absent).

The Mayor reported that Animal Welfare Advisory Board will submit a grant for the city to become a no-kill shelter.