RES-143 and RES-144: My commentary can be found on an earlier entry, but I'd like to add the new information I learned. AHP exceeded their first contract's requirement for jobs. The contract called for 136 jobs and they ended up with 151. In response to my email, Ms. Herbert asked whether foreign ownership was a consideration. Mr. Groth indicated it is not currently, but it could be in the future if the council wishes. A question arose about the jobs created being local jobs. Mr. Groth answered that at least 40% of the jobs were to be filled local employees. They audit to check this. The city will be giving up about $78k in tax abatements, but there will be $325k in receipts.
I'm not thrilled with this money going to a foreign-owned company, but it will create local jobs and increase the tax base. The more money we collect from companies reduces the chance that property taxes will have to increase.
An interesting fact came to light during this discussion. I learned that at least one of the city council members either reads or has seen this blog. My first reaction was to freak out a bit. I'm used to sitting in the background and having my writing read by my circle only. My second reaction was that this is a good thing. It demonstrates that the council members are interested in knowing what the citizens think about what comes before them. Ms. Herbert brought up another point on a different subject that I had received a comment about. I do not know if the person who left the comment also contact Ms. Herbert or if she saw it on this blog. Either way, the council DOES care about what we think. We should do our duty and tell them what we think and ask questions when we don't understand.
Related to ORD-172: I'm totally fine with the dropping of the speed limit in the area covered by this ordinance. There was MORE discussion about dropping the limit on the section of New Road that was left at 40 to 35. I drove this road today to see what I thought. I think this is ridiculous. This section of road is much wider and in better condition than the other section. There is NO residential and no back out drives. More than that, it was VERY busy and I believe that dropping the limit would cause congestion - assuming people obeyed the limit (which they don't). Actually, I wanted to see how many signs would have to be changed. This is not as big a deal as I thought it might be because there are only two on that stretch of road and both of those were on the overpass. I think only one would be in Waco's part. The city limit is not clearly delineated. I don't think that's enough signs. In fact, I don't think there enough speed limit signs in this city anyway. That's a fight for another day.
One last note about Chief Brent Strohman. When I returned for the business session of the meeting, Chief Strohman commented on how many notes I was taking. He told me that he would be glad to share his public safety presentation with me. I don't know if he knows about the blog or thinks I'm merely a concerned citizen, but I was very encouraged by his openness and willingness to share this information with a citizen and the public. From what I have seen, the Chief is a well-respected man and we are lucky to have him.